Saturday, December 20, 2008

My big, fat D

Every semester in school, I keep track of my grades. I always have. So, I can tell you up to the minute what I'm getting in the class. This semester was no exception in my Anatomy and & Physiology class. The entire semester, I averaged about a 67%. I was hoping that at the end, my professor would have a little grace on me and bump me up to a "C". But I knew deep down, he wouldn't. A few days ago, I logged in online to check my grade for the class. And there it was....

My big, fat "D". Oh it wasn't even a little "d", it was big and even bolded. Blasted! Do you know when the last time I got a "D" in a class was? Jr. High! Memo: that was a long time ago, by the way! My grandmother was very strict with me and usually punished me if I got anything under a "B". So, she forced me to excel in classes.

I am a firm believer that the professor can make or break a class. This professor broke the class. But I can't blame the fact that I got a D in the class solely on him. I did study hard, but towards the end of the semester, I pretty much gave up. I would get the same grade whether I studied or not. I had a lot of personal things going on that really made it difficult to study as well. Either way, I'm mad at myself for the grade I received. Oh well, I will take it again after I get settled from moving. And it's like J said, I'll do better next time.

I have to finish up my Christmas shopping today. Nothing, like waiting till the last minute, huh? I don't normally shop last minute, but times have been tough and the money has not been there. I just have to get my roomie's present and what she wants is not difficult to find. I am housesitting for my friend Julie right now. Her house is all decked out for Christmas. There is Christmas in every room. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I was smiling to myself as I looked at all her decorations. As long as I stay away from the tree, it's a real one, I'll be fine. Because folks, I found out that I'm allergic to the real thing. I can be around it, just can't touch them.

On a side note: I love Jason Mraz and his music. One of my favorite songs right now is "I'm Yours". It's such a catchy tune and I find myself singing and tapping my foot every time I hear the song. Too bad I don't have anyone to sing it to. :P

I miss sleep. Sleep is a word that is no longer in my vocabulary.

Have a fantastic day!

B to tha Squared

Quote of the day: "You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don't try." ~Beverly Sills

Scripture of the day: "Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, who finds great delight in his commands. His children will be mighty in the land; the generation of the upright will be blessed." ~Psalm 112:1-2


Romi said...

Heeey Ms. Brandy!!
Just wanted to pop by real quick to say what a treat it was to see you tonight! Sorry for being a bit scattered (maybe that's where Dana gets it? ; ) Oy!)

As for your hiccup grade (that's what I call those grades we earn when we're dealing with a lot of challenging life variables), remember that does not define you or who you are. Sure that doesn't make it sting any less, but you're still His and you're very much loved. And yes, you'll do better next time! Super quote too!

And oh my word, sistah friend!! Mraz mon is da mon in my book...I just love his tunes!! : D

On that happy note, signing off for the night! Have a great Sunday and super start to your week. Hope to see you Christmas eve service! : )

The Coffey Grounds said...

I 'm sorry to hear about your D. The only D I struggle with is my cup size! I hate the letter D too but for other reasons. LOL Just thought I would make you chuckle!

Quote: Every set back in life is God's set up for a come back.

Make it a great day!
Merry Christmas