I've been thinking a lot lately about my bucket list. I've actually never done one before, so I decided it was time! It will be interesting to look back at the list and to see what I've done and what has been added. So here we go, in no particular order.
- Go to Cape Town, South Africa and see a Great White Shark breach out of the water.
- Get in a shark cage with a trained professional to see sharks up close.
- Learn to read music so I can accomplish the next bullet point.
- Learn to play the violin.
- Get married.
- Have children.
- Adopt a child.
- Have one picture that I have taken published in a magazine.
- Ride a hot air balloon.
- Go to Greece.
- Visit all 50 states. So far, I've been to 13 states.
- Own a library of all the greatest classic pieces of literature.
- Be a pediatric nurse.
- Work as a missionary long-term.
- Be in a flash mob.
- Go to a Yankees game in Yankees Stadium.
- And although I'm a huge Notre Dame fan, I've actually never been to a game, so I am adding see Notre Dame play live at the University of Notre Dame.
- Visit New York City, take in all the museums and broadway shows possible.
- Visit Ground Zero.
Go on an actual safariDone! 10/2010- Visit all 5 Great Lakes.
- Visit the Holy Land and see all of the historical places there.
- Learn to be a great cook.
- Arrange a walk to raise $ for Domestic Violence Awareness. Been looking for walks, but I haven't found any locally, honestly thinking about asking National Coalition Against Domestic Violence what it would take to start a walk here.
- Attend an opera.
- Attend a symphony.
- Go in a submarine and dive deep into the depths of the ocean. I always thought they were cool.
- Go on a cruise.
- Take a pottery class. (added 11/10)
- Learn to speak Greek. (added 11/10)
- Learn Sign language. (added 11/10)
How about you, what's some of your bucket list items? Or write a blog listing them all as well.
Love it! I am working on mine.
I love this! I will walk with you when you get one started! :o) You got me thinking.....
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