Tuesday, November 30, 2010


I'm not sure what has happened over the past few years, but I've lost my sense of blogging. Man, I used to blog all the time, about everything. And lately, I just haven't felt like writing. I feel as though there is so much going in this head of mine, I'm not sure where to start. I suppose for 2011, blogging more should be one of my resolutions. Writing is good therapy. My private blog has been quiet for awhile, that is a good thing there. No writing in private blog means I am doing good. But it's been quiet on here as well.

Here are the things I could talk about, but can't seem to write a good post from them. Maybe, after listing everything (Hello type A personality!), I will be able to write some blogs.

I could talk about how I'm really struggling with things of "this world" since coming back from South Africa.

Or I could talk about how that trip was the most impactful trip ever and I'm completely emotional about it. The slightest mention of South Africa and I start crying.

I could talk about how much I love Christmas and it's my very first one living alone. Decorating the tree Saturday night had me giddy like a kid. I am a little emotional that is might be my last Christmas here in Arizona. Yet excited about spending next Christmas back in the Midwest.

I could also talk about really wanting to get my nursing degree, but dreading going back to school in January. Part of me hates school any more. And it's a Math class, even worse! Couldn't I just snap my fingers and be done with it?

I could also talk about how I'm planning on moving back to Indiana to be close to my dad. He's the only parent I have left and I need to be near him.

I could talk about a moment last week where I feel I dishonored God, it's still bothering me.

I could talk about another massive layoff at work.

I could talk about the stupid boy who won't leave me alone to let me heal from all the damage he's done to my heart.

I could talk about through thick and thin (in my life and others), you will truely find out who your true friends are and what is valued most.

I could talk about my birthday in a few months and what thing I'll be crossing off of my bucket list (hopefully).

I could talk about wishing I had an inkling of knowledge of God's plan for me.

I could talk about how my heart still burns for missions and I still want to be a long term missionary.

I could talk about the Notre Dame/USC game and that beautiful interception at the last minute.

I could talk about how much I love my church.

I could talk about how I'm actually missing the seasons change right now, including the snow.

I could also talk about how much I love my God and how much he loves me.

Hmmm...plenty of things to talk about, yet the words won't come out. I am going to dillgently try to write a blog tonight. I just gotta get it out of my head.


Anonymous said...

I understand the too much stuff in one head! I have that problem too. Bloggin is therapy though. I hope you get back on board. I always loves reading your post!

SaraMarie said...

I hear ya. Its easy for me to blog about the kids, but all the stuff crammed in brain makes my "emotional" blogging a little more difficult.

On a separate note, I love your background and might steal it. :)

Leesi LuLu said...

I'm with you on Christmas. It is the best season ever!

I'm praying for you, God is working with your heart right now, just like clay(Isaiah 64:8). He has the big plans, but unfortunately the molding process isn't exactly comfortable.