Saturday, September 9, 2006

Trusting God

Okay a few posts ago, I wrote about trusting God. This is my journal and I'm never hesitant to put on here what I am struggling with in my faith. I suppose it shows that I am human and still guilty of sin. I have gone on two previous mission trips, Dominician Republic will be my third. When I go on a mission trip, the church ask us to raise our money for the trip. Yes, that is great if you can pay for it, but they want you to learn to have faith in God and trust that He will provide. You would think by now, that I would have figured out the whole trust deal especially when it comes to mission trips. I honestly am not the greatest with money, I have gotten better. When you go on a mission trip with CCCEV, you have to sign a liability form saying if you don't raise the money, you will be responsible for paying the rest of the amount needed. So, every single time I honestly stress myself out (by not trusting God) thinking I am going to have to come up with the money.

Whenever God shows something to me and humbles me I say He slaps me in the face. He has slapped me a lot, but He really gets me when I don't have faith regarding mission trips. It's very humbling to ask people for money and the amounts they give amaze me. God has shown me up every time and this time proves no different. Sunday, I had only $700, I need $1500. No biggie, the money is not due until October 14th. So technically I wasn't worried about anything yet. Wednesday night a pastor at the church who has supported all of my mission trips stopped and told me that he felt convicted by God to give me more and he should of done that. Huh? What? He gave me plenty ($50), but made me promise him I would keep him posted when it got closer and he would give me more if needed. I promised I would and got humbled by God again. I was very touched by the pastor and just felt immensely blessed to have known him for so long.

I called the church today and was completely blown out of the water by what I heard. "Well, as usual, Brandy, you have done it again. You are currently at $1900." That was Sue in Global. I actually asked her is she was serious and to make sure she was in my file not someone elses. Nope, that's mine. She sent me the list and people amaze me to the point of tears. Wow, wow, wow, and wow. I'm grateful for any amount of money, no amount is too small. Believe me it adds up! However, many people gave more than $20, a lot gave over $100, and two people gave me over $300. Huh???? I'm humbled and emotional by people in my life.

So, Brandy, lesson to learn today. You were baptized almost 4 years ago and I (God) have gotten you through some serious times, I have provided for you more than you realize, you have grown so much in 4 years, but you still have a lot of growing to do with me, I'm already in control of your life-all aspects of your life, you just need to stop being stubborn and realize that. Trust me, I promise I won't let you down, I never have; I never will.


Quote of the day: "When you really trust someone, you have to be okay with not understanding some things." Real Live Preacher

Scripture of the day: "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13

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